The Solution
MCC decided to transform the way that they work and make the move to Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) so they can deliver their services in a very different, and better way.
As part of their initial strategy, MCC have rolled out thousands of new smartphones, tablets and laptops to enable greater flexibility and mobile working. Their key focus was to provide their staff with the right tools that will allow them to work flexibly with cloud based apps; Gmail, Calendar, Sheets, Docs, Slides, Drive, Hangouts and Chat.
With such a change to the organisation, they made the decision that Cloud Technology Solutions (CTS) would help implement the technology and use their expertise to help the organisation to embrace the technology and the smarter way of working.
In the run up to and during the first week of the migration, Google, CTS and the MCC project team were helping out and getting staff to utilise the change of technology.
CTS also trained up over 700 Google Guides – MCC’s own staff – supporting the deployment across teams and sites helping their colleagues to understand and use the tools.
The success of the deployment of Google Workspace has had an enormously positive impact on Manchester City Council, and has completely changed the way the organisation works and communicates with each other
Working with CTS, they migrated 6,100 users over to Google Workspace and helped MCC utilise the tools and collaborate within the organisation. This helped drive innovation, new ways of working whilst saving time and money.